Growth Chart of a Beef Calf


Heifer growth is often compared to breed standards to determine 'normal' progress. We designed breed-specific, printable Growth Charts that may be used to plot heifer growth by hand. The charts are based on the results of measuring a large number of heifers of various breeds throughout the United States during 1991 and 1992. Most of the data was collected from herds in which the average age at first calving was slightly greater than 24 months. As a result, the heifers probably were smaller for any given age than those found on today's well-managed dairy farms that calve heifers at 22 to 24 months of age.

The Holstein heifer growth charts indicate several percentiles of the U.S. population, allowing a producer to compare an individual heifer to all others and to set growth goals. Keeping a majority of heifers near the 75th percentile and the entire herd between the median and the 95th percentile is an achievable goal.

For all other breeds, the recommended growth ranges shown are between the average and the top 67th percentile of the population. To achieve early calving (24 months or less) and high production potential, individual heifers should fall near the top of or slightly above the range shown.

Holstein Growth Chart

Holstein Heifer Growth

U.S. Holsteins Weight by Month of Age

U.S. Holsteins Withers Height by Month of Age

Body weight (pounds) and withers height (inches) of U.S. Holstein heifers as measured in the National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project (1991-92). For each age, percentile data1 are presented to show the range of performance observed. Recommended ranges are between the 75th and 95th percentiles.
Body Weight Withers Height
5th 25th 50th 75th 95th 5th 25th 50th 75th 95th
1 82 102 119 136 143 29 30 31 33 33
2 113 149 161 189 238 30 32 33 34 37
3 149 182 211 234 284 31 34 35 36 38
4 189 234 258 284 339 33 35 36 38 40
5 218 275 311 339 411 34 37 38 39 42
6 266 320 369 422 480 36 38 40 41 44
7 301 369 422 468 542 37 40 41 43 45
8 330 422 468 530 603 38 41 43 44 47
9 379 468 530 596 705 39 42 43 45 47
10 422 517 575 653 776 41 43 45 46 49
11 445 556 638 712 776 42 44 46 47 49
12 504 596 682 760 843 43 45 47 48 51
13 504 660 728 809 913 43 46 47 49 51
14 542 697 776 878 1026 44 47 48 50 52
15 582 744 843 931 1067 43 47 49 51 53
16 653 826 913 988 1096 46 48 50 51 53
17 682 860 931 1026 1191 46 49 50 52 54
18 744 895 969 1066 1191 47 49 51 52 54
19 776 913 1007 1086 1279 48 50 51 52 54
20 776 950 1066 1170 1302 47 50 51 53 57
21 792 988 1086 1191 1372 48 50 52 54 56
22 843 1026 1148 1235 1420 49 51 52 54 57
23 809 1066 1148 1279 1420 49 51 53 54 57
24 776 1026 1170 1301 1545 48 52 53 55 57

Average age at first calving 25.9 ± 0.1.
1Percentiles describe the percentage of observations that fall below that level; for example, 25% of the heifers at a given age weighed less than the value listed under the 25th column. The 50th percentile is the median; half of the observations fall below this value and half fall above it.

Recommended range of hip height and width for Holstein heifers.
Hip Height
Hip Width
2 36.0 39.5 7.0 8.0
4 39.0 42.0 9.0 10.0
6 42.0 44.5 11.0 12.0
8 44.0 47.0 12.5 13.5
10 46.0 49.0 13.5 15.0
12 48.0 51.0 15.25 16.5
14 49.5 52.5 16.5 17.5
16 51.0 53.5 17.5 18.5
18 52.0 54.5 18.5 19.5
20 53.0 55.5 19.25 20.25
22 53.0 55.5 20.0 20.75

Data compiled from U.S. and Pennsylvania Holsteins.
Range represents the average and 1 standard deviation above the average.

Jersey Growth Chart

Jersey Heifer Growth

Recommended range of body weight and withers height for Jersey heifers.
Body Weight
Withers Height
1 93 108 29 32
2 122 146 30 33
3 155 177 32 34
4 183 217 34 36
5 233 278 35 38
6 259 321 36 39
7 303 362 38 40
8 335 412 39 41
9 373 436 40 42
10 391 483 40 42
11 428 499 41 43
12 471 548 42 44
13 500 571 43 45
14 535 602 44 45
15 565 640 44 46
16 583 661 45 46
17 609 696 45 47
18 639 753 45 47
19 651 769 46 47
20 698 813 46 48
21 719 827 47 48
22 758 860 47 49
23 760 878 48 49
24 790 893 48 50

Data from the National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project (1991-92). Heifers in this survey had an average age at first calving of 24.9 ± 1.8 months.
Recommended ranges represent the 50th to 67th percentile. Percentiles describe the percentage of observations that fall below that level.

Brown Swiss Growth Chart

Brown Swiss Heifer Growth

Recommended range of body weight and withers height for Brown Swiss heifers.
Age Body Weight
Withers Height
1 134 163 32 34
2 187 223 34 36
3 240 283 36 38
4 293 343 37 40
5 345 403 39 42
6 396 462 40 44
7 447 521 42 45
8 498 580 43 46
9 548 637 44 48
10 597 694 45 49
11 645 750 46 50
12 693 805 47 51
13 739 859 48 52
14 785 912 49 52
15 829 963 49 53
16 872 1013 50 54
17 914 1061 50 54
18 955 1107 51 55
19 994 1152 51 55
20 1032 1194 52 56
21 1068 1235 52 56
22 1103 1273 52 56
23 1136 1309 53 57
24 1167 1343 53 57
25 1197 1374 53 57

from the National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project (1991-92). Heifers in this survey had an average age at first calving of 27.0 ± 1.7 months.
Recommended ranges represent the 50th to 67th percentile. Percentiles describe the percentage of observations that fall below that level.

Guernsey Growth Chart

Guernsey Heifer Growth

Recommended range of body weight and withers height for Guernsey heifers.
Body Weight
Withers Height
1 122 143 31 33
2 166 193 33 35
3 203 233 35 37
4 255 299 37 38
5 299 354 38 41
6 366 434 40 42
7 384 448 41 43
8 433 503 42 44
9 482 568 43 47
10 511 588 44 46
11 574 662 45 47
12 576 674 46 48
13 643 756 46 48
14 696 803 47 49
15 740 866 48 50
16 779 899 49 51
17 830 950 50 52
18 864 1001 50 52
19 900 1015 51 52
20 914 1046 51 53
21 967 1112 51 53
22 996 1123 52 54
23 1025 1177 52 54
24 1026 1178 52 55

Data from the National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project (1991-92). Heifers in this survey had an average age at first calving of 26.2 ± 2.0 months.
Recommended ranges represent the 50th to 67th percentile. Percentiles describe the percentage of observations that fall below that level.

Ayrshire Growth Chart

Ayrshire Heifer Growth

Recommended range of body weight and withers height for Ayrshire heifers.
Body Weight
Withers Height
1 131 154 31 32
2 177 205 32 34
3 223 256 34 36
4 269 307 36 38
5 315 357 37 39
6 360 407 39 41
7 405 457 40 42
8 450 506 41 43
9 494 554 42 44
10 538 602 43 45
11 581 650 44 46
12 624 697 45 47
13 666 743 46 48
14 707 789 46 48
15 748 834 47 49
16 787 878 48 49
17 826 922 48 50
18 864 965 48 50
19 901 1007 49 50
20 937 1049 49 51
21 972 1089 49 51
22 1006 1129 50 52
23 1039 1168 50 52
24 1070 1206 50 52
25 1101 1244 51 53

Data from the National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project (1991-92). Heifers in this survey had an average age at first calving of 27.6 ± 1.8 months.
Recommended ranges represent the 50th to 67th percentile. Percentiles describe the percentage of observations that fall below that level.

Milking Shorthorn Growth Chart

Milking Shorthorn Heifer Growth

Recommended range of body weight and withers height for Milking Shorthorn heifers.
Body Weight
Withers Height
1 128 160 31 32
2 175 210 33 34
3 223 262 34 36
4 272 315 36 38
5 320 370 37 39
6 369 425 37 41
7 418 482 40 42
8 467 539 41 43
9 515 596 42 44
10 564 653 43 45
11 611 709 44 46
12 658 765 45 47
13 705 820 46 47
14 750 874 46 48
15 794 926 47 49
16 838 977 47 49
17 880 1025 48 50
18 920 1071 48 50
19 959 1115 49 50
20 997 1155 49 51
21 1033 1192 49 51
22 1066 1226 50 51
23 1098 1256 50 52
24 1128 1281 50 52
25 1155 1303 51 52

Data from the National Dairy Heifer Evaluation Project (1991-92). Heifers in this survey had an average age at first calving of 26.5 ± 1.6 months.
Recommended ranges represent the 50th to 67th percentile. Percentiles describe the percentage of observations that fall below that level.


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